Global Google Font Selector

Allowing users to search for and select Google Fonts to apply globally across all pages and posts. It features a responsive design using Bootstrap, a preview section for the selected font with customizable sample text and size, and saves the chosen font for future use. The plugin integrates with the Google Fonts API to provide a wide variety of fonts, uses AJAX for smooth updates without page reloads. *Not endorsed by Google.

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Global Font Selector Plugin Features

Feature Description
Admin Menu Page Adds a new menu page in the WordPress admin area for managing the plugin.
Font Search Allows users to search for Google Fonts directly from the admin page.
Font Preview Displays a preview of the selected font with customizable sample text and size.
Save Selected Font Saves the selected font to apply globally across all pages and posts.
Load Saved Font Loads the last selected font when the admin page is opened again.
Responsive Design Utilizes Bootstrap for responsive design and better user experience in the admin page.
AJAX Integration Uses AJAX for smooth font selection and preview updates without reloading the page.
Google Fonts API Fetches fonts from the Google Fonts API to ensure a wide variety of options.